


Login Guide

1. Download client program
Download ECMSsetup.exe,then run the setup program.

2. Run client program
Double click "MoveSky Xiangqi" icon on the desktop or choose "Movesky Xiangqi " from the "Start" menu.

3. Register account
Choose "Register" in the login dialog , the dialog for register will come out. You can fill in your information here then press "OK".The client will login you in automatically if successful.,or the register dialog will show up again.

4.Login to server
Choose "login" directly if you have been registered. If you choose "save password",the client will login you in automatically next time.

5.Client title
Before you login to server,,the title is "MXQ"; If you have been connected , the title equals "place name+your login name"; If you have beed disconnected from server,the title is "OFFLINE";

6.Forget password
If you forgot your password,you should choose "I forgot passwd" in the login dialog ,then the dialog for verification will come out. You can fill in your registered information here, then press "OK".A new dialog will show your password if successful,or the verification dialog will show up again.


Game Guide

1 Join Table.
In free zone, choose a table number, and then press "Join " button or double click the left button of mouse.
In arena zone, just press "Fight" button or double click the left button of mouse.
If you want to watch a game, choose the table number then press "Observe" button or double click the right button of mouse.

There are THREE clocks on the top right of chessboard:
Gametime[GT]-The total game time left
Movetime[MT]-The left time for each move
Overtime[FT]-The left time for each move if one run out of Gametime .
45-10-60 means :Gametime is 45 min,Movetime 10 min,Overtime 60 sec.
If you want to adjust the time setting,click the "Clock "icon on the game control panel,then choose or fill in a number in the time-setting dialog.
Note:Gametime can not be changed. Movetime for Slow Game must be above 2 min. Overtime can only be 60¡¢30 or 0 sec.

3.Start game
In free zone, press "Start" button, which means you agree to play. If your opponent agrees too, the game begins.
In arena zone, the game will begin automatically if there are two players on the table.

4.Move piece
By the left button of mouse,click the piece you want to move, then click the position you want to move it to.

5.End game.
Any side presses "Resign" button.
Any side is checkmated or overtime or judged to lose the game.
Both sides press "Pass" button.
Note:Neither can pass or resign the game if total number of moves don't reach 20
6.Judge Game
If your opponent have broken the xiangqi rule,such as "Perpetual Checking¡± or "Perpetual Attacking",the "hand" button on the game control panel will be activated,press this button then your opponent will be declared to be defeated.
Note:RPC=Red Perpetual Check ;RPA=Red Perpetual Chase;
BPC-Black Perpetual Check ;BPA-Black Perpetual Chase;
No-lose=Both sides dont lose a piece
;All above are followed by the number of moves.

If you disconect from server while playing a game,you will not be declared to be defeated immediately.Reconnection during 5 min or Movetime will make you continue the unfinished game.If you fail to do it on time,you will lose your game.

Chat Guide

1.Private Chat
Choose "Tell" in the list box,and choose his name in players list box. Input your information in the chat box, then press "Enter". Only the player you chosen can get the chat message.

Choose "Shout" in the list, Input your information in the chat box, then press "Enter". Everyone in Chat Hall will see your information.

Choose "scream" in the list, Input your information in the chat box, then press "Enter". All players on line will get the information.

4 Chat on table
On the table,Input your information in the chat box, then press "Enter". Everyone on the table will see the information.

Search Guide

1.Look up personal information
press the the "My profile" icon on the top of the window.

2.Look up other players¡¯information
choose or input the name in player list box, then press the right button of mouse to choose catogory of information.

3 Look up local state
press the "local info " [lighthouse] icon on the top of the window.
Other Guide

1Change password
Press the key icon on the top of the window, then input the old passwd once and new password twice.

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